I guarantee that it is and after reading through this website, you'll know exactly how to do it too. And you'll be able to brew beer that costs you as much as tap water...
here are some of the things you'll learn with Better Your Brewing:
How to get all the equipment you need without paying too much (most brewers buy more stuff than they really need...)
Whether you should buy glass bottles or those new plastic ones (the answer isn't the same for everyone...)
How to make bottling easier using a single piece of hard plastic (you won't lose a drop of beer this way and you don't have to worry about siphoning)
The real difference between cleaning and sanitising (and why it's important for your brewing. Getting it wrong puts your beer at risk for contamination...)
The top 3 sanitisers to use (using the wrong ones can ruin your beer in more than one way, not to mention destroying your equipment...)
When you should use tap water and when you should use bottled water for brewing your own beer (not an issue for most people, but it's a major problem for a small percentage...)
The different methods of brewing and when you should step up to the next level (You'll learn how to master, kits, extracts and all grain brewing techniques so well, you'll be on par with any professional brewer...)
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